Lauri Boxer-Macomber Offers Continuing Legal Education Seminar on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Family and Domestic Partnership Cases.

On August 27, 2010, Lauri Boxer-Macomber will speak at a National Business Institute Family Law Seminar on the topic of alternative dispute resolution in family law and domestic partnership cases. As part of the seminar, Lauri will give an overview of the different alternative dispute resolution processes available to attorneys and their clients. In addition, she will discuss the rules of evidence and civil procedure as they relate to confidentiality, offers of settlement and the mediation process. Lauri will also provide tips for effectively preparing for mediation and drafting clear and legally sound settlement agreements. For more information on the seminar and/or to register for the seminar, please go to:

Attorney Michael Duddy Successfully Defends Maine Hospital Against a Claim for Tortious Interference with a Noncompete Agreement

A Maine hospital hired an IT professional who had a noncompete agreement with a computer consulting firm. The consulting firm brought a claim in Superior Court against the IT professional for breach of the noncompete agreement, and against the hospital for tortious interference with the noncompete agreement. Attorney Duddy got the claims against the hospital and the IT professional dismissed with prejudice and without any payment to the plaintiff.

Michael Duddy and Lauri Boxer-MaComber Defeat Motin to Join Additional Parties in Federal Health Care Lawsuit Involving Disproportionate Share Payments

In a complex Medicaid reimbursement case against the Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Human Services and the Director of the Office of Vermont Health Access, defendants tried to compel Springfield Hospital to join an additional twelve hospitals as necessary parties. In response, Attorneys Duddy and Boxer-Macomber offered several compelling legal arguments for not joining these additional parties. The U.S. District Court agreed with Springfield Hospital’s opposition memorandum and denied the joinder motion filed by the state defendants.

Attorney Michael Duddy Wins an Attachment Order on Behalf of a Maine Hospital in Action Agains a Nurse for Failing to Repay Education Loan.

A Maine hospital extended over $20,000 in educational benefits to a hospital employee to obtain a nursing degree, in exchange for a promise to work at the hospital for five years after obtaining the degree. The nurse left employment early, and refused to repay the unforgiven portion of her educational loan. The hospital brought an action in Superior Court for breach of contract, costs, and attorney fees. The Superior Court agreed with Attorney Duddy that the hospital was more likely than not to prevail on the merits, and granted Attorney Duddy’s motion for attachment and attachment on trustee process.

Jennifer Archer was elected to Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project’s Board of Directors

On Monday, May 10, 2010, Jennifer Archer was elected to Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project’s Board of Directors. Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project (ILAP) “provides free and low-cost immigration information and legal assistance to low-income Maine residents. ILAP helps Maine’s immigrants keep their families together, gain protection from persecution and domestic violence, attain residency and work authorization, and become proud U.S. citizens.” ( Jennifer is also a member of ILAP’s pro bono panel, through which she is able to provide pro bono legal services to the immigrant community in Maine.

Michael Duddy and Lauri Boxer-Macomber Substantially Prevail on Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss Federal Lawsuit Filed on Behalf of Springfield Hospital

Attorneys Michael Duddy and Lauri Boxer-Macomber continue to represent Springfield Hospital in a complex litigation challenging the State of Vermont’s allocation of Medicaid.Disproportionate Share Hospital payments. Although similar cases filed in other jurisdictions across the country have been unable to survive dismissal, Attorneys Duddy and Boxer-Macomber successfully advocated for Springfield’s case to remain before the Court. While the U.S. District Court pared down the claims, the case-in-chief has been allowed to proceed and discovery is now underway.

Lauri Boxer-Macomber elected as Secretary/Treasurer of the Maine State Bar Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Section

On March 10, 2010, Lauri Boxer-Macomber was elected as Secretary/Treasurer of the Maine State Bar Association’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Section. Lauri offers private mediation services at Kelly, Remmel and Zimmerman. In addition, she mediates for the Court Alternative Dispute Resolution program. As a newly elected officer of the ADR section, Lauri hopes to work with the section to offer some exciting CLEs over the course of the next year, develop a tracking system for ADR legislation and case law, and collaborate with the Maine Association of Mediators, CADRES and other ADR groups in Maine.

Lauri Boxer-Macomber to serving as a panelist at Maine Judicial Branch Continuing Education Training for Mediators

Lauri Boxer-Macomber will be serving as a panelist at a continuing education program offered by the Maine Judicial Branch on March 31, 2010 from 12:45 to 3:45 pm. The program will focus on how to work effectively with attorneys in mediation, and will take place “live” at the Administrative Office of the Courts, 125 Presumpscot Street, Portland. It will also be available by videoconference at the Kennebec Superior Courthouse in Augusta, Penobscot Judicial Center in Bangor and at the Presque Isle District Court.